Architects & Developers

Couldn’t help myself with this one. It just makes too much sense. A good friend passed this article along to me and it epitomizes the new direction that I have taken in my career.

Having worked at a large corporate architecture firm for developers I often saw first hand how projects would get wrecked because developers would so often fail to understand the design process. While architects can often be found guilty of inflated egos and design for design sake which can also wreck the profit margin in a developers proforma. The truth is that striking the right balance between design and profit can be an incredibly powerful combination in building a design development firm.

Thanks Greg!

One thought on “Architects & Developers

  1. Hey Dutch!

    Great article….looking at the range of financial profits makes me reconsidering my profession!!! More importantly, I know one day you will be featured in an article just like this. You are amazing!!


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