Antique Radiators


In an effort to save a few dolla bills during the renovation we have been cruising salvage shops, antique dealers, craigslist and of course Kevin & Richards plumbing supply looking for used radiators. While it may seem like an odd place to save a few bucks, one fin of an antique radiator sells for about $7-10/fin while a newer radiator sells for about $25-$30/fin. It is not always an easy move, as the used radiators may have cracks and the bushings may be damaged.  This often requires more work and money which makes the newer radiators look like a better buy.  Often the radiators are stored outside and have not been tested, so buyer beware…

We found these at Kevin and Richard’s plumbing supply and they have been tested and are stored inside.  Unfortunately they did not fit our criteria as BTU output is based on the size of the radiator which is sized to the room in which it is installed.


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