Some Days Chicken, Some Days Feathers

The parlor has really become the material receptacle for all the contractors working on the job site these days.  Every morning there is quite a bit of hustle and conversation in this room about the goals and tasks for the remainder of the day…

IMG_4565Last week was a bit slow with all the snow that we received.  There were a lot of half days and not as much was accomplished as we would have liked.  As my father likes to say, some days chicken and some days feathers.  Unfortunately it looks like there was a lot of feathers last week and not much chicken.  There is a pace and a rhythm to a good job site and you need to recognize when you need to put your foot on the gas and when you need to brake in order to accelerate through the corner…


2 thoughts on “Some Days Chicken, Some Days Feathers

  1. isntg theat the truth- with life in general? isnt that the truth with life in general. sounds like great progress at least the part i can understand. lol…impressed with how much info is at your command. cant wait to see the house next trip to nyc in march.

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